February 23

A Simple Tool for Aligning Instruction and Assessment


A Simple Tool for Aligning Instruction and Assessment

This quick visual guide can help teachers ensure that their daily lessons align with their learning goals and assessments.

February 18, 2022
Teacher works at her desk
StockRocket / iStock

Teaching at our best is like anything else we pursue; it’s part science and part art. It’s a learned skill that requires time and patience to hone. Teachers, therefore, become frustrated when our self-efficacy is threatened by questionable policies and relentless new initiatives, particularly during a pandemic. But having a set of trusted pedagogical strategies can help us keep it together—even under extreme pressure.

In coaching schools, part of the initial work is to engage leadership in learning walks to see what’s happening in classrooms before investing time and resources to design professional development (PD). Classrooms will always be the incubator for what’s needed in education.

It’s challenging for administrators to keep their fingers on the pulse of what’s happening in their schools if they’re not interacting with teachers in classrooms or listening to them. These visits also allow school leaders to recommend appropriate tools and practices for empowering teachers.


Through no fault of their own, I have found that many classroom teachers don’t always see how assessment drives instruction or the alignment between summative assessment, learning goals, formative assessment, and teaching strategies/scaffolds. For example, a career switcher who didn’t participate in a preservice program or a teacher whose preservice program included very little instructional modeling may not have a set of pedagogical strategies at their disposal for planning and facilitating instruction.

There isn’t only one way to teach. But daily lessons must have flow and alignment.

Classroom teachers need to have fluidity and a reservoir of trusted strategies they know when to use. These strategies must be part of methods for attacking daily instructional problems with flexibility to address unforeseen occurrences. A planning tool and framework for mapping instruction backward can be helpful in maintaining alignment no matter what we encounter in the instructional day.

To help support teachers, I’ve adapted the tool during lesson/project ideation sessions. It’s been helpful for teachers who may not understand how to rewrite standards into learning goals or for those who may need a refresher on scaffolding and creating instructional alignment. Some of the schools I work with have even added the tool into their lesson and performance task templates. See a template and completed example here.

The tool originates from PBLWorks and is inspired by backward design methodology by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins but does not replace McTighe’s Understanding by Design resources through ASCD. Instead, the tool is a simple table with four columns, easily allowing educators to map their instruction in alignment with summative assessment and daily learning goals.


Column one: Determine summative assessment. Well-designed summative assessments drive instruction when they align to standard(s) or a benchmark. The tool should be used to align instruction for summative assessments in the form of products, demonstration of a performance task(s), or literary composition.

For example, a particular unit or project plan can call students to create written, technology-based, or constructed products (e.g., reports, PSAs, model prototypes, etc.). Once we determine what we want our kids to do and make by the end of a specified time, that goes into column one.

Column two: Compose learning goals. Developing learning goals for lessons and projects is a critical practice often neglected in PD and, therefore, is often excluded or not well thought out in curriculum unit design. Derived from academic standards and learning frameworks, learning goals are vital to teaching and observing learning and are the backbone of lessons.

Good learning goals drive what students will understand and what they will be able to accomplish following a lesson or project. They need to go beyond objectives on our whiteboard or lesson plan and should be unpacked during mini-lessons as the focal point of the academic conversation between teachers and students.

I use learning targets (LTs) to capture learning goals as statements about what students can do regarding completing the product or task in column one of the planning tool. Here are some examples of what can go in column two:

  • I can explain how human activity affects the health of bodies of water and the ecosystems they support.
  • I can collect and analyze data to inform my decisions and design better solutions to real-world problems.
  • I can present my conclusions to an audience using multimedia tools that more effectively convey my message.

EL Education has powerful video examples of how to use LTs across the grade levels.

Column three: Develop formative assessments. Each learning goal in column two will need formative assessment to check students’ understanding. Teachers can decide on both informal and formal formative assessments. I find conducting two formal checks (quizzes, essays, etc.) for each summative assessment good practice for determining where students need help, remediation, and challenge.

Informal checks can be used daily between our interactions with students to determine their instructional needs. Here are some we can use as quick checks for understanding.

Column four: Utilize instructional strategies and scaffolds. Instructional strategies and scaffolds are what we reach for to teach a particular lesson—or, in this case, the learning goal(s) in column two. Learning goals require us to explain, clarify, and model. Regardless, students will need time to practice—moving from guided (teacher-led) to independent.

Gleaning insights from formative assessment helps us put the appropriate scaffolds and interventions in place by updating column four. For example, to help students with their coding skills, I like using the workshop model to structure station rotations allowing them to move between working independently and working with the teacher or their peers. Both content and elective teachers can also use it for differentiating and choosing scaffolds that work best for their kids.

October 6

So many muches! Grammar errors and what they tell us about language development


When kids first begin talking, typically at around 12 months of age, they of course stick to the basics— very short phrases that convey basic wants, needs, and social routines.  Mama.  More.  Up.  Hi!  All-done.  Milk.  Doggy.  Bye-bye.  Oops!  These are mostly one-word phrases and are not pronounced perfectly.  Then, typically when children are between 1 ½ and 2 years old, they take an important step in language learning: making word combinations.  More milk.  Mama car.  Up Daddy.  No doggy.  The intended meaning of early phrases might not be very clear out of context (Mama car could mean “look, there’s mommy’s car” or “here mommy, take my toy car”), but a child at this stage of language development shows us that he is beginning to understand that words are units of meaning that can be combined in novel ways to creating novel meanings, as in Mama car.  Big car.  Car up.  Once we know a good number of words and understand our language’s grammar, we can combine words to generate phrases that explain anything we want.  That is, language is generative.  The possibilities are literally endless.

Sometime around 2 years old, children usually begin using grammatical morphemes, or the little parts of words that make our phrases grammatically complete, and can express nuances like tense and number.  One of the earliest in English is the present progressive -ing, as in crying, eating, going.  Regular plurals (cups) and regular past tense (climbed) are also acquired pretty early on.  As children learn new grammatical forms, they are not just memorizing whole words.  Rather, they are learning the grammatical rules of whatever language (or languages) they are acquiring.  They learn how we can take these little word parts and apply them to other words we know, to create new shades of meaning.  For example, boat means something different than boatswalking means something different than walked.

The morphemes for plural and past tense are a little more complicated than they may appear at first glance.  There are actually three different pronunciations for each of these grammatical markers, depending on the sound at the end of the root word.

Root word ends in: Plural “-s” morpheme sounds like:
/p, t, k, f, th (voiceless)/ /s/ as in cups, hats, snacks, cliffs, baths
/b, d, g, m, n, ng, v, th (voiced), l, r/
and any vowel sound
/z/ as in tubs, beds, bags, drums, hens, songs, doves, lathes, balls, carscows, bees, pies
/s, z, sh, ch, j/ /ez/ as in buses, sizes, bushes, watches, badges
Root word ends in: Past tense “-ed” morpheme sounds like:
/p, k, f, th (voiceless), s, sh, ch/ /t/ as in hopped, walked, coughed, birthed, flossed, washed, watched
/b, g, m, n, ng, v, th (voiced), z, j/
and any vowel sound
/d/ as in rubbed, hugged, hummed, banned, arrived, bathed, buzzed, wagedbowed, peed, tied
/t, d/ /ed/ as in batted, glided

These context-dependent variations on morphemes are called allomorphs.  So using the above examples, /s, z, ez/ are allomorphs of the regular plural morpheme -s, and /t, d, ed/ are allomorphs of the regular past tense morpheme -ed.  Despite the different sounds, children are typically able to learn and apply grammar rules just by talking with adults around them, without even being aware that these variations exist.  Our knowledge of spoken grammar is mostly subconscious: you don’t even know that you know it.  In fact, I would wager that most adults who have not studied linguistics or early literacy instruction are not aware of allomorphs, and also probably can’t easily explain other grammar basics, such as when exactly we use he versus him and that the suffix -ly is used to change an adjective to an adverb.

So how do we know that little kids are actually applying their knowledge of grammatical rules, rather than just learning new grammatical words as whole units, parroting words they have heard mom or dad say?  After all, most 2-year-olds won’t say, “Today I learned that I have to put a ssszzz, or ez at the end of the word to indicate that there is more than one thing.”  How do we know that they know that?

For starters, children will begin to apply a rule more and more consistently, using it across multiple contexts, which suggests that the rule is acquired.  Furthermore, we hear evidence of grammar knowledge in the errors and inventions that are so common in the speech of young children.  When children make errors such as mouses instead of mice, they have not likely heard an adult say the word mouses, meaning they just came up with it on their own.  This is an example of overgeneralization of a grammatical morpheme- using it where it doesn’t actually belong.  While it’s technically not correct to say mouses, it’s a normal stage of language development and shows that the child can generate words using the plural marker.

I recently polled an online parenting forum for examples of such inventions of words.  The post generated a lot of interest, and responses were both adorable and brilliant.  Let’s take a look at some, and see what they tell us about those children’s understanding of spoken grammar.

Quite a few kids demonstrated understanding of present progressing -ing.  As mentioned, it is one of the earlier emerging grammatical morphemes, and so there’s a lot of opportunity for kids to get creative.  There was a girl who said someone doing yoga in the park was namasteing.  A boy was wapping things with his wapping stick.  Another child used puzzling to mean playing with puzzles.  In the autumn, the leaves are fall-downing.  You go grossing at the grocery store.  A truck is back-upping.  And finally, I AM carefulling!!

There was a child who stuck two allomorphs at the end of words to mark plurals: carses, cookieses, toeses.  (Moses supposes his toeses are roses?)  Another child mistook the word much for a noun, and showed her ability to use the plural /ez/ allomorph: so many muches.

soooo many muches!!

One child said at bedtime Can you cush and coze me? meaning that she wanted her mom to make her cushy and cozy.  This represents an understanding of the suffix -y in adjectives.  She knows that -y often means having the quality of the root word (which could be either nouns as in sandy or verbs as in runny), and so invented root word verbs cush and coze.

This next one is particularly genius, in a couple of ways.  A child apparently said that when the family car got new tires, it was retired.  This shows an understanding of the prefix re-, meaning to do something again (to again put tires on a car).  Then, adding -ed in this case changes the word from a noun to an adjective, called a participial adjective (as in I am bored).  Also, we know that retired is a word that actually does exist, although it means something completely different.  Likely this child heard that word at one point, and used his smarts about morphology to infer a possible meaning.  Genius!

Here’s a neat one: a child used willn’t instead of won’t, apparently having analyzed all the other n’t contractions and determining that they should closely resemble the words from which they are derived (as in do-don’t, can-can’t, should-shouldn’t).  So of course the opposite of will is willn’t.  I’d like to see how many grown-ups have thought of that.  Not me, to be honest, and I think about a lot of stuff like this.  Thanks, kiddo, for pointing me towards this explanation.

Another little girl apparently used peace-ify in the place of pacify, I’m guessing in the context of talking about a baby’s pacifier bringing about a moment of peace.  That parent basically has a mini etymologist on her hands, because this kid probably already knows that both peace and pacify come from the Latin word pax, and the suffix -ify changes a word to a verb that means to become the root word.

Similar to the cush and coze example, this one involves the child removing a part of a word.  Hammers are what you use the ham things.  The -er suffix changes a word from an action to a thing that does the action.  Workers work.  Players play.  Hammers ham.  Of course!

I want so badly for this next one to be correct: the child who thought that the opposite of nocturnal was turnal.  It’s brilliant, because a) the kid already knows the word nocturnal b) it still shows awareness that words can break into parts, and c) noc sounds like not, so it’s a pretty reasonable guess!  Alas, in this case, noct comes from the Latin nox for night.  (The opposite of nocturnal is diurnal, which I’m not sure I’ve ever heard in my life.)

Threeth.  Not a word, but the kid who said it gets that the suffix -th is used to express the ordinal numbers such as fourth, twentieth, and billionth (but not first, second, third).

Some kids were able to show understanding of morphemes for negation: dis-, un-, and de-.   One wanted to be disbored (bored of being bored?), another who wanted his friend to be unsick so they could playand another who said he would never delove his mother (I’m not crying, you’re crying!!).

These next ones involve little phrases.  English has many two-word verbs, such as shut down, figure out, fit in, that are often idiomatic phrases (and notoriously difficult for English second-language speakers).  A few parents shared examples that demonstrate that the child knows that grammatically there is such thing as a two-word verb, but hasn’t quite gotten it right: pick me downbuckle me outand tuck me up (ok, that last one is my own son).

Next, some examples from bilingual or multilingual households, where kids sometimes mix vocabulary and grammar from more than one language in the same phrase. For example, a little girl who said lumes to mean that something lit up.  This is a sweet mash-up of French luminer and English -s third person singular. She also used unlâche to tell someone let go of something.  This shows that she likely knows the un- English morpheme for negation, but lâche in French already means let go.

Another bilingual child was mad because her brother retruired her castle.  The child combined re-, détruir (destroy)and the English past tense -ed.  Seems like someone wrecked that castle a few times over.

And finally, because no story about preschoolers in complete without reference to poop and/or boogers: microttes.  This one is a portmanteau, or a word coined by blending two words, such as breakfast + lunch = brunch.   A child from a trilingual French-Spanish-English house apparently regularly invented her own words and one day came up with microttes as a combination of microbes (germs) and crottes (boogers/little poops).  Great! And gross, so let’s go wash our hands, shall we?

Are you curious about the age at which children typically acquire grammatical morphemes?  Although we have a pretty clear picture of the sequence of development of early grammar, the age of acquisition varies a lot from child to child.  This chart can give a general idea, though a word of caution: age estimates are based on observations of a rather small number of children.

Grammatical morpheme Examples Common age of acquisition
Present progressive ing

Prepositions on, in

Regular plural


On the table.  In the car.

Dogs, cats

27-30 months
Irregular past tense

Possessive ‘s

Uncontractible copula

It fell.

Mommy’s coffee

Is it here? It is!

31-34 months
Articles a, the

Regular past tense

3rd person singular -s

A flower.  The car.

I licked my ice cream.

He likes pizza.

35-40 months
3rd person of have, do

Forms of the verb be

He has a dog.  She does yoga.

He is climbing. I’m not sliding, but she isAre you hungry?

41-46 months+
From: Bowen, C. (1998). Brown’s Stages of Syntactic and Morphological Development. Retrieved from http://www.speech-language-therapy.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=33 on September 24, 2020.

This post has been about children’s development of spoken grammar.  Some children need extra help with this, but, as previously mentioned, children learn spoken language mostly by simply talking with others.  Little kids don’t need to worry about understanding how grammar works in spoken language, because they unconsciously learn the rules.  However, we know that learning written language is not the same process.  In order to efficiently acquire literacy skills, school-aged children benefit from explicit teaching of many aspects grammar.  For example, many young children will write stopped as stopt and hugged as hugd.  When we teach kids that the letters ed at the end of a word represent the regular past tense, we are teaching morphological awareness. This helps developing readers decode, understand, and spell complex words such as impossible, cooperation, mismanagement, unfathomable. But morphological awareness is a huge topic for another day. Willn’t you stay tuned??

October 6

The cot-caught merger: a dialectal difference and early literacy instruction

Pronunciations can sometimes change so much that sounds that were once distinctly different are now pronounced exactly the same.  This is known as a merger. A well-known and wide-spread example of this is the low-back merger, a.k.a. the cot-caught merger, where the vowels in the words cot and caught have evolved so that they are no longer two distinct sounds.  Depending on where you live, you might be thinking one of two things right now: Of course “cot” and “caught” sound exactly the same! or There’s no way that “cot” and “caught” sound the same!  Pretty much all Canadians have the cot-caught merger, while the US population is split between merged and unmerged.  As a result, although the different spellings remain, the vowel sounds in the words cot/caught, nod/gnawed, stock/stalk are identical for some English speakers and not for others.  If you have the cot-caught merger and have a hard time understanding how other people can possibly produce and perceive these as two different sounds, you may like to check out this video.

This is all very interesting, but what’s the application to literacy instruction?  Well, this is an issue that comes up surprisingly often in online forums for literacy and language enthusiasts, including a few times recently in a wonderful community on Facebook called Science of Reading- What I Should Have Learned in College, a group dedicated to sharing knowledge about evidence-based practice in literacy.  People in this group know that a very efficient way to teach kids to read and spell involves having them pay attention to the sounds in their spoken words, and then linking these sounds to the letters of our alphabet.  This approach is aptly called speech to print.

There are many published materials that help teachers apply the speech to print approach.  A slight issue is that some of them may not discuss dialectal differences like the cot-caught merger.  So, what happens when one of the millions of people who has the cot-caught merger comes across these materials?  Occasionally, some confusion.  Huh, have I been pronouncing these words wrong my whole life?  Am I actually making a barely perceptible distinction between these two sounds?  Should I help my students make/hear a difference between these sounds?  Thankfully, the answer is no, no, and no.  If you don’t have the distinction in your dialect, you simply don’t have it, because they are the same sound.

If you are one of the millions of speakers with the low-back merger, you don’t need to toss out great instructional materials that differentiate between these sounds.  We just need to understand the phenomenon, so that we can treat the o in fox and the aw in saw as two different graphemic representations of the same sound, without trying to force a distinction that just isn’t there.  If you speak a dialect with the cot-caught merger, the o in fox and the aw in saw are as much the same sound as the ee and ea in tree and treat, which at one time were also distinct sounds that have completely merged for most dialects of English, as of around 300 years ago.

One precision.  The graphemes for the and aw/au sounds do not present exactly the same scenario as ee vs ea.  The graphemes ee and ea are both vowel teams: two vowel letters representing one vowel sound, as in meet and meat.  In contrast, is a short vowel, while aw/au function like vowel teams.  Diving a little deeper, a careful look at English orthography reveals that a number of spelling rules depend on whether a syllable contains a short vowel or vowel team.  For example, we use -ck at the end of a short word following a short vowel, as in rock, while the word hawk requires only -k after the vowel team aw. So, even if they sound the same for you, it probably makes sense to clearly differentiate short from vowel teams au/aw because it helps us make sense of spelling patterns. As a Canadian, if I were making a sound wall to help children understand the sounds of English, I would put and aw/au stuck right together, side-by-side, and I would of course pronounce them exactly the same.

From Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers by Louisa Moats. The cot and caught vowels are differentiated in this chart (fox and saw), though the book discusses dialectal differences. Other spellings for o/aw/au are also shown.

Just to complicate things a little further, not all speakers who have distinct vowels for cot and caught divide these two sounds the same way.  The Atlas of North American English (Labov et al, 2006) explains that in certain contexts, mainly before the voiceless continuant sounds /f, s, th/ (as in off, loss, cloth) and before the /g/ sound (as in dog, frog), words with the short o are actually spoken with a vowel closer to the sound heard in saw/caught.  Hence, hot-dog actually has two different vowel sounds for some speakers, because of the influence of the consonant sounds at the end of each syllable.  Isn’t phonology interesting??

So, what do you do if a curious young mind notices that the o and aw/au are represented by different pictures or gestures, or appear as different on the vowel sound chart, and yet have the same sounds?  Rather than give the all-too-common response “English is complicated!  That’s just how it is!”, you could see it as a neat opportunity to introduce dialect differences and language change: “Some people pronounce these differently, but for us they are the same.”

Does this seem a little complicated? Like very many aspects of literacy and language, the underlying ideas are pretty complex, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be for children. Doctors have oodles of deep knowledge that informs their sometimes simple advice to patients. Similarly, when educators understand the complexities of our language- both the oral and the written systems- they are in a much better position to teach it to young learners, using simple explanations adapted to the children’s needs and capabilities.

I love this topic, because it is a great example of how there is so much knowledge to be shared when people from a variety of backgrounds- speech pathology, education, linguistics, psychology- come together to look at practices in literacy. Does this sort of knowledge float your boat, bake your cake, rock your socks?  You will no doubt love Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers by Louisa Moats, a comprehensive resource about the oral language underpinnings of literacy development.


Labov, William & Ash, Sharon & Boberg, Charles. (2006). The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change. 10.1515/9783110206838.

Moats, L. C. (2020). Speech to print: Language essentials for teachers, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Pub.

Language is always evolving, with new words (bingeable, superspreader), new expressions (I can’t even), and even shifting syntax (Have you any? vs Do you have any?) and grammar (the fading subjunctive: If I were…).  But the main topic of interest today is shifts in pronunciation.  The way we pronounce words changes slowly over time, often specific to a geographical area or demographic, resulting in a patchwork of different accents among speakers of the same language.

Pronunciations can sometimes change so much that sounds that were once distinctly different are now pronounced exactly the same.  This is known as a merger. A well-known and wide-spread example of this is the low-back merger, a.k.a. the cot-caught merger, where the vowels in the words cot and caught have evolved so that they are no longer two distinct sounds.  Depending on where you live, you might be thinking one of two things right now: Of course “cot” and “caught” sound exactly the same! or There’s no way that “cot” and “caught” sound the same!  Pretty much all Canadians have the cot-caught merger, while the US population is split between merged and unmerged.  As a result, although the different spellings remain, the vowel sounds in the words cot/caught, nod/gnawed, stock/stalk are identical for some English speakers and not for others.  If you have the cot-caught merger and have a hard time understanding how other people can possibly produce and perceive these as two different sounds, you may like to check out this video.

This is all very interesting, but what’s the application to literacy instruction?  Well, this is an issue that comes up surprisingly often in online forums for literacy and language enthusiasts, including a few times recently in a wonderful community on Facebook called Science of Reading- What I Should Have Learned in College, a group dedicated to sharing knowledge about evidence-based practice in literacy.  People in this group know that a very efficient way to teach kids to read and spell involves having them pay attention to the sounds in their spoken words, and then linking these sounds to the letters of our alphabet.  This approach is aptly called speech to print.

There are many published materials that help teachers apply the speech to print approach.  A slight issue is that some of them may not discuss dialectal differences like the cot-caught merger.  So, what happens when one of the millions of people who has the cot-caught merger comes across these materials?  Occasionally, some confusion.  Huh, have I been pronouncing these words wrong my whole life?  Am I actually making a barely perceptible distinction between these two sounds?  Should I help my students make/hear a difference between these sounds?  Thankfully, the answer is no, no, and no.  If you don’t have the distinction in your dialect, you simply don’t have it, because they are the same sound.

If you are one of the millions of speakers with the low-back merger, you don’t need to toss out great instructional materials that differentiate between these sounds.  We just need to understand the phenomenon, so that we can treat the o in fox and the aw in saw as two different graphemic representations of the same sound, without trying to force a distinction that just isn’t there.  If you speak a dialect with the cot-caught merger, the o in fox and the aw in saw are as much the same sound as the ee and ea in tree and treat, which at one time were also distinct sounds that have completely merged for most dialects of English, as of around 300 years ago.

One precision.  The graphemes for the and aw/au sounds do not present exactly the same scenario as ee vs ea.  The graphemes ee and ea are both vowel teams: two vowel letters representing one vowel sound, as in meet and meat.  In contrast, is a short vowel, while aw/au function like vowel teams.  Diving a little deeper, a careful look at English orthography reveals that a number of spelling rules depend on whether a syllable contains a short vowel or vowel team.  For example, we use -ck at the end of a short word following a short vowel, as in rock, while the word hawk requires only -k after the vowel team aw. So, even if they sound the same for you, it probably makes sense to clearly differentiate short from vowel teams au/aw because it helps us make sense of spelling patterns. As a Canadian, if I were making a sound wall to help children understand the sounds of English, I would put and aw/au stuck right together, side-by-side, and I would of course pronounce them exactly the same.

From Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers by Louisa Moats. The cot and caught vowels are differentiated in this chart (fox and saw), though the book discusses dialectal differences. Other spellings for o/aw/au are also shown.

Just to complicate things a little further, not all speakers who have distinct vowels for cot and caught divide these two sounds the same way.  The Atlas of North American English (Labov et al, 2006) explains that in certain contexts, mainly before the voiceless continuant sounds /f, s, th/ (as in off, loss, cloth) and before the /g/ sound (as in dog, frog), words with the short o are actually spoken with a vowel closer to the sound heard in saw/caught.  Hence, hot-dog actually has two different vowel sounds for some speakers, because of the influence of the consonant sounds at the end of each syllable.  Isn’t phonology interesting??

So, what do you do if a curious young mind notices that the o and aw/au are represented by different pictures or gestures, or appear as different on the vowel sound chart, and yet have the same sounds?  Rather than give the all-too-common response “English is complicated!  That’s just how it is!”, you could see it as a neat opportunity to introduce dialect differences and language change: “Some people pronounce these differently, but for us they are the same.”

Does this seem a little complicated? Like very many aspects of literacy and language, the underlying ideas are pretty complex, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be for children. Doctors have oodles of deep knowledge that informs their sometimes simple advice to patients. Similarly, when educators understand the complexities of our language- both the oral and the written systems- they are in a much better position to teach it to young learners, using simple explanations adapted to the children’s needs and capabilities.

I love this topic, because it is a great example of how there is so much knowledge to be shared when people from a variety of backgrounds- speech pathology, education, linguistics, psychology- come together to look at practices in literacy. Does this sort of knowledge float your boat, bake your cake, rock your socks?  You will no doubt love Speech to Print: Language Essentials for Teachers by Louisa Moats, a comprehensive resource about the oral language underpinnings of literacy development.


Labov, William & Ash, Sharon & Boberg, Charles. (2006). The Atlas of North American English: Phonetics, Phonology and Sound Change. 10.1515/9783110206838.

Moats, L. C. (2020). Speech to print: Language essentials for teachers, 3rd ed. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Pub.

September 20

News From The Daily CAFE (Daily 5)

Allison Behne

September 10, 2021

Have you ever watched a child attempt to take his first steps? Typically he tries, falls down, tries again, falls again, and repeats this process until he experiences success. When he does, there is usually a room full of smiling, clapping adults providing encouragement to continue on.

Occasionally, if a fall hurts, there will be tears, but often the young child is resilient and just keeps on trying. What is it about young children that pushes them to keep trying? Wouldn’t it be great if we could see that same resilience in our students as they learn to read, spell, and solve math problems?

Daily 5 and CAFE promote resilient learning through conferring, modeling, and sharing.

  • Conferring—When teachers confer with students, they model and provide guidance. They also give the child an opportunity to practice in small increments, similar to a child who is taking first steps.
  • Modeling—Daily 5 sets the stage for student success through student modeling of desired behaviors and teacher modeling during focus lessons. This modeling provides children with a picture in their minds of the desired outcome and an understanding of what it will look like, sound like, and feel like when they are independent.
  • Sharing—Student sharing at the end of Daily 5 provides encouragement to students to revisit their work, try something that worked for a peer, and celebrate small steps of success.

The culture and community that is fostered in a Daily 5/CAFE classroom can make it just as natural for our learners to resiliently try again and again as it is for a small child who is learning to walk.

News From The Daily CAFE

September 20

“Help! How Do I Handle Students Who Are Always Slow to Finish Their Work?”

Teacher Channel,  on October 8, 2018

Do you have students who always take longer to turn in assignments, or never turn them in at all? While everyone learns at their own pace, managing slow workers can be a challenge, especially as curriculum demands increase. Even under ideal circumstances, it’s difficult to cover everything. And when some students aren’t completing the work, you may wonder if they will ever hit their benchmarks.

Of course, when it comes to knowing how best to support our slower-working students, teachers must step back and evaluate each student’s situation completely and thoroughly.

Ask yourself these questions about the student:

  • What are some other possible circumstances prohibiting the student to complete his/ her work?
  • How does the location of student’s desk in the class affect productivity?
  • Looking at this student’s academic and social history, is this behavior typical for the child?
  • Does this student have other learning needs impacting his or her ability to complete classwork?
  • How does this behavior compare to the student’s work in other classes?

Once you have the answers to these questions, it’s time to decide how to proceed. It’s always a wise first step to reach out to the child’s family to let them know you have a concern. Send an email or try calling home. Perhaps all this student needs is a little gentle nudge from home to get him moving on his classwork.

If the family isn’t supportive, or if the family is also at a loss as to what to do, it’s time to reach out to other professionals in the building. Can the counselor lend a hand? The special education coordinator? The reading specialist? You need to do what you can to assemble a team of professionals to hold this student’s support net, and you need to start soon.

After the team decides how to proceed, a number of different plans can be put in place. Here are a few ways to manage slow workers, making sure everyone gets to the finish line:

Make sure assignments are relevant and varied.

Let’s be honest: worksheet after worksheet after worksheet is boring and monotonous. Who wants to do ten worksheets in one day? No one.

Instead, make sure that you are filling the day with a variety of activities for students: group and independent activities; worksheets and hands-on activities; online and offline activities.

Add “Buddy Helper” to your job chart.

If you use a classroom job chart with the typical paper-passer, messenger, recycler, pencil sharpener, teacher helper, and the like, then consider adding “Buddy Helper” to the list. The Buddy Helper can be the student who takes time—after his own work is finished—to walk around and help others when they need it. Perhaps if every student had the chance to lend a hand, even your slower finishers would speed up a little on the days that they were the Buddy Helper.

Use a timer.

A digital timer on the Promethean board can be a game-changer for elementary schoolers since so many students of this age lack the ability to conceptualize time. No smartboard? No problem. Grab a large digital timer that you can put near the front of the classroom.

If you’ve got a handful of slower finishers, consider giving each student a small, simple timer to help her keep track of time.

Break up tasks.

Sometimes, it’s just hard to get started when you’ve got a big project at hand, and the same is true for our students. Students who need more of a nudge to complete work will most likely freeze when faced with a 5-step assignment. Instead, break these biggie assignments into mini-tasks for these students, giving them one piece at a time.

Adjust work load.

Step back and ask yourself: Do the students really need to complete all of this classwork? If there’s something that can be adjusted so that the playing field is more level, then go ahead and adjust.

Try an incentive system.

Some teachers use tickets, clips, marbles, or stickers as incentives to have students complete their classwork. Perhaps when each assignment is completed, a student receives some sort of token, tokens are placed in a special jar, and at the end of the week, there’s a drawing for a special prize: a lunch bunch, extra iPad time, or a chance to sit in the teacher’s chair for part of the day.

We definitely don’t want to celebrate careless work, though, so make sure you’re clear about expectations if you go this route.

Build a bridge home.

Ideally, school is a perfect union of support from school and home, but we know it doesn’t always work that way. If families are willing and able to help from their end, then consider using a daily sign-in chart. This chart can be a simple sheet of paper with a box for each day of the week. The student may earn a smiley face, a neutral face, or frown face, depending on the work that they complete. We want this chart to be minimal work for the teacher but to be a consistent tool for families to know how the student performed that day.

If the child worked hard and finished work, then maybe there’s a small reward at home. If not, then the family can proceed accordingly.

Let us know what works for you. How do you handle students who work more slowly in class?

Our Facebook groups are filled with teachers sharing tips and tricks, and we’d love to hear your ideas, too. Please head to the WeAreTeachers Chat group to let us know how you handle slow finishers.

Plus, how to build rapport with students.

Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!

April 27

How to Teach Genre With Ms. B

 few years ago (maybe five or six) our state standards changed for reading, pretty dramatically. I know all of you who have been through the Common Core Craze can understand that.

I, however, am from Texas, where we do what we want *snap snap*, and Texas moved to genre-based standards several years back.

At that time, my reading program was based on the Reader’s Workshop model, with adjustments to suit me, and my shared reading three days a week was fiction. The other two days was informational text.

This was great for me (I love fiction, and I tied my informational articles to science, so double whammy), but it didn’t exactly address my new genre-based standards, which included literary genres: fiction, poetry, drama, literary nonfiction (biography), and informational genres: expository, persuasive, and procedural. I had some work to do to teach reading by genre.

One of the first things I did was take a look at my standards and figure out which standard was expected to be taught (and honestly, tested) in which genres. I used the document below to figure out where I had to teach different standards, like cause-and-effect, predicting, making inferences, and sequencing.

Then I chose some titles for each genre that I wanted to focus on as mentor texts for really understanding how that genre worked and how good readers approach that genre. My kids and I worked through a variety of texts, noticing the features of each genre and recording them, and other important characteristics (like author’s purpose, which is actually the essential reason genres are different), and charting them on some giant charts.

To help kids make the distinction, I divided them up onto literary and informational matrices.



During the study of each genre, we examined several texts and isolated the essential elements and strategies to use to best comprehend that genre.

Poetry was a struggle for many students. They didn’t really know how to start! To give them a handle on the main elements of poetry, we used an acronym that my colleague and I created: POETS. The chart below shows what students would look for in a poem. They marked evidence in different colors for each element, trying to put them together to make meaning out of the poem.


This chart shows how we read for the elements, whole-class, and mark our evidence.


I love reader’s notebooks. For each genre, we responded using different strategies. The strategy shown from my model notebook below was great for poetry. I honestly can’t remember the name, but this is how it works:

1. Read a poem aloud to students – each student has a copy to mark up as you read.
2. Read again, slowly, instructing students to find a spot to respond to. Students underline the line and put a star at the end of the line. They quickwrite in response to the poem.
3. Read the poem again, very slowly. As you get to the place where students responded, they jump in and read the response they wrote.

The first time we did this, my kids were a little uncomfortable and nervous. But you know, learning happens when we don’t quite know what’s going to happen! I did it again, with a poem called “Shelling Pecans,” and they seemed to have a better experience, because they expected to share. It was a very interesting strategy that I would use again!


Other posts on teaching poetry

When I introduced fiction, I made sure to introduce a variety of genres – I really spent some time here, choosing texts from each genre to make sure that students had a good understanding of the varieties of fiction they might enjoy reading. We read historical fiction (Nettie’s Trip South), and science fiction (Sector 7). We read myths and folktales! And at the end of the unit, one of the kids’ most interesting responses (I always ask for their input) was “I never knew there were different kinds of fiction.”

How rewarding is that?


An important part of a strong reader’s workshop program is independent reading. While it’s important for students to enjoy reading (really the most important thing), you have to find different ways of ensuring that students are applying their strategic thinking in their independent reading. One fun way is the question ring below.

I hole-punch the cards in the corner and put them on a binder ring. I hang them in the classroom library, and students can choose a question to respond to in their independent reading. There’s a ring for each genre. We practice using the rings to respond to our reading during our whole-group lessons, and then, as we practice with each genre, I add the rings to the library.


Other posts on teaching fiction



Drama is a very unique genre as well. As we read dramas, we add to our chart of drama features. It’s important to do more than simply name the features. We need to help students understand the purpose of that feature, so they know how to use it. For example, students very readily point to words in brackets and pronounce, “stage directions!” But do they use those stage directions to understand how a character is feeling or acting? If not, then we have to teach them how to do that!

Other posts on drama

Expository text is very focused on pulling out important information. We practice my favorite summary strategy: providing each team with a sentence strip. They write the main idea of their paragraph and then we put them all together to build a super summary! You can read more about that here.


I also added my Expository question ring to the classroom library!


Other posts about teaching Expository text

Persuasive text is a very specific type of informational text. It’s informational, but it’s tinged with someone’s bias and persuasive techniques. I used this persuasive cube in partners to help students think through a persuasive text and identify the persuasive techniques and arguments used by the author.


As I introduce new genres, it’s important for students to learn how to navigate between genres. I use these three questions to help students think about what genre they are reading. It’s so important for students to naturally think about texts differently to determine what’s important about each genre. Students who are fuzzy on this read each genre the same, usually like fiction, and studies show they are the least able to navigate those genres. So we spend a lot of time on it!


The chart below helps kids remember to think differently on three major genres:


Genre bookmarks are a great way to help kids be independent in their identification and thought about genre during independent reading. If you provide them with each bookmark as you learn about each new genre, they can pull their set of bookmarks out during independent reading.

I copied them onto colored cardstock and provide them to students, one at a time. Students “grow” their set, and when they choose an independent reading book, they identify the genre, pull out the bookmark, and think about the questions or items under the “Look for” part of the bookmark.


And then there’s testing.


I know, I hate it, too. But if we teach our children to be real readers and real writers, we can more easily teach them to navigate the test structures and be successful. When we focus only on testing, we neglect the real thought and rigor of the world of reading and writing. Instead, focus on real reading and writing, and then bridge it to the test. This is how I bridge genre instruction:

We reviewed each genre with a mini-selection. Each student had a copy and they practiced using the three questions to decide on their strategy for approaching the text (ex: Do I look for characters? conflicts? main ideas? arguments? stage directions?). We marked the essential elements, and decided on the author’s purpose. Then we brainstormed the kinds of questions we expected to see on the test and recorded them on our chart.


We repeated this for the most frequently tested genres.


And we built our test-genre wall!


We developed a strategy chant to remember what’s important about each genre! It goes to the tune of a cadence, like “Sound off- 1-2”. The first four stanzas are the verses, and the last stanza is the sound-off.


I cut up a million questions from the released tests, and students sorted them into different genres, based on the evidence they could find in the question and answer choices. It’s incredible how much they could infer, just from the questions and answers!

Teaching reading by genre is fun and purposeful with these anchor charts and activities! Each genre has its own special characteristics and structures. Help students apply reading strategies to each one, and encourage them to read in different reading genres with these minilesson ideas! #genreanchorchart #teachingreadinggenre