Hello World!
Coach’s Target:
Ready to use
So you can Aim at your targets
and I’m here for you; so Shoot me an e-mail.
Over the next few weeks as we get back into the school year I will be updating this blog periodically and I hope you find it useful. The goal is that this blog will be utilized as a toolbox for you. I believe each and everyone of you would like to do your best but often get bombarded with a large amount of resources that I’m sure is very helpful, but the amount of time we have in our days hasn’t changed and as educators extra time is a luxury we don’t have. This year is no different in that sense and many of you might be feeling even more overwhelmed as we embark on a new era of change. I believe that this is a great time to reflect on the knowledge we already have and take what we are learning from this experience and incorporate our best practices in teaching. I truly have all the confidence in the world that before you know it you will be amazed at your new or heightened abilities as an educator during this exciting journey. I hope each of you can find some tidbit of information or new knowledge that will be helpful to you and that you can apply to your day to make you and your student’s life more enjoyable, engaging, and fun!