What is the purpose:
Seriously, let’s not make this complicated. The purpose of this site is to give educators quick, organized, and helpful resources. Everything may not be for you but I hope you can find something helpful in this site from time-to-time.
If I find a great resource I hope to add it to the site. If you find a great resource please let me know so that I may add it to the site. If you have some ideas on topics that could be helpful to others or resources that would be useful please bring it to my attention. However, this is a professional educator site so please keep that in mind.
Items to consider:
Resources I would like to consider for this site are as followed but not limited to what is on the list:
- District news
- Bridges math resources
- Wonders reading resources
- COVID19 district updates
- Hygiene and social distancing topics in the classroom/school
- Hybrid teaching tips/resources
- Online teaching tips/resources
- Classroom management
- Social Emotional Learning
- Lesson study
- Milepost
- Evaluations
- Istations and testing updates
- Literacy plans
- Intervention
- Self Care
- Effective communication
- Technology
- Organization
- Life and work balance
- Tech tools
- Leader in Me!
Okay, you get the point, right! The world is our oyster but this is where I would like to post information so you can easily find it.
Happy teaching!
Carrie McCollum